Limited traffic zone access and free parking: all the advantages of the electric car

Driving an electric car opens up a world of advantages, which are not always well known: in addition to to a consisten saving on a financial perspective, such as exemption from paying road tax for the first 5 years or reduced maintenance costs, there are other several benefits that have a positive impact on e-drivers’ daily commute.


In fact, in many Italian cities, electric cars can have free and unrestricted access to Limited Traffic Zones (LTZ)-which are becoming more and more extensive in many municipalities-and in many cases e-drivers do not pay for parking on blue lines. Even from the perspective of traffic and parking, owning an electric car can therefore result in significant savings and several advantages. For example, in cities such as Milan, the daily ticket to enter Area C for nonresidents can cost €7.50, while daytime public pay parking can cost up to €3 per hour. In addition, in many cities, even if the LTZ is not chargeable, it is still forbidden to nonresidents and combustion vehicles for many hours.


The scenario, albeit with different declinations and rules, is replicated in almost every major city in Italy. You can consult the various directives, municipality by municipality on their respective sites for more info.

Below are some examples of the benefits of moving by electric vehicle valid to date for 12 of Italy’s major cities:


Bologna: Free parking on blue stripes and access to the LTZ.

Electric cars can park for free on the blue stripes and have free access to Bologna’s LTZ  after communicating the license plate.
(Environmental LTZ Measure, Jan. 26, 2024)


Cagliari – Free parking and access to the LTZ.

In the city of Cagliari, electric car owners can obtain a pass valid for free parking in parking lots and access to the LTZ.
(LTZ pass, August 1, 2023)


Catania – Free access to the LTZ and parking lots.

In Catania, electric cars can freely access the LTZ and enjoy free parking.
(Municipal Council Resolution No. 58, April 11, 2022)


Florence – Free access and parking in LTZ for 5 Years

In Florence, electric vehicles can obtain a free pass valid for free access and parking in LTZ for 5 years, avoiding annual renewal.
(Servizi alla Strada S.p.A., July 13, 2023)


Genoa – Annual badge for free access and parking in LTZ.

A free badge with annual validity is issued in Genoa for free access and parking in all the city’s LTZs.
(Genoa Parking, Aug. 7, 2019)


Milan – Free access to Area C and reserved parking.

In Milan, electric and hybrid cars can apply for a permit to park for free in both the yellow spaces reserved for residents and in the paid blue zones. In addition, entry into Area C is free for electric cars, providing significant savings for owners.
(Municipality of Milan, Aug. 27, 2023)


Messina – LTZ and free parking

Electric vehicles also enjoy significant benefits in Messina: they can circulate free of charge in the Limited Traffic Zone and park without paying in the designated public spaces, just by submitting an online application.
(ATM SpA, Oct. 17, 2023)


Naples – Awaiting the resolution for free access to the LTZ.

Facilities for electric cars in Naples are being evaluated. Until December 31, 2023, parking was free, but a City Council resolution is awaited to confirm LTZ and free parking concessions.
(City Council Resolution No. 44, Feb. 23, 2023)


Palermo – Registration required for free parking

In Palermo, owners of electric cars must register on the municipal white list to obtain the free pass that guarantees free parking on streets inside the LTZ.
(ZTL Pass, January 2024)


Reggio Calabria – 25 euro parking pass

In Reggio Calabria, owners of electric cars can obtain a free parking pass by paying a secretarial fee of 25 euros, offering a convenient option for sustainable mobility. The exemption, at the moment, is valid until March 31, 2024.
(City Council resolution, March 31, 2023)


Rome – free parking and access to the LTZ.

In the Capital, owners of electric cars can enjoy free parking and access to the LTZ, in addition to being able to circulate freely within all the city’s LTZ zones without the need for paper badges.
(Ordinance No. 76 of June 30, 2023, Oct. 31, 2023)


Turin – Free LTZ for electric cars.

In Turin, electric cars can have free access to the LTZ by paying only €16 stamp duty to apply. The permit is valid for 2 years. In addition, there is also limited access for electric vehicles that have not applied but can get an exemption afterwards.
(City Council Resolution of Act No. 637, Oct. 17, 2023)


Venice – Exemption from paid parking and access to the LTZ.

In Venice, electric cars are exempt from paying parking fees on the blue stripes and can freely access the LTZ.
(EDG Resolution No. 10, Oct. 12, 2023)


Choosing an electric car, then, not only represents an investment in the environment and the future, but also brings important economic and practical advantages. Ewiva is doing its part to make electric mobility in Italy increasingly accessible and user-friendly through the implementation of an increasingly widespread high-power charging network, with flexible solutions that can meet the needs of all e-drivers.

The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of electric cars: a comprehensive perspective

The current process of electrification of the automotive industry is leading to an increasing diffusion of battery electric vehicles (BEVs), attracting growing interest from potential customers and industry experts. A crucial aspect to consider when evaluating the affordability of electric cars compared to conventional cars is the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), which includes all costs associated with owning and using a vehicle over its lifetime. Let us then explore, in depth, the components of the TCO of electric cars and the key considerations to keep in mind.


Let’s start with the initial purchase cost: it is indeed common knowledge that, at least to date, electric cars tend to have a higher initial cost than conventional cars, mainly because of the high impact of the battery pack relative to the total cost of the car. However, the price gap separating electric cars from conventional cars is narrowing more and more, thanks to a steady improvement in battery range and the imminent entry of new economical electric car models on the market. In fact, over the past decade, the cost of lithium-ion batteries per unit of energy has been reduced about tenfold and is steadily declining.


Not only that, new battery technologies in addition to lithium-ion are mature or are at an advanced level of development for adoption by car manufacturers and will help to further reduce the cost of the battery component in the coming years, as well as to ensure increasing performance and range.

In addition, eco-incentives made available by the government for the purchase of electric cars can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing the vehicle and make the initial investment more affordable, improving the overall TCO.

Another crucial aspect to consider is fuel or energy costs: indeed, electric cars are distinguished by their remarkable efficiency in energy use.Thanks to their ability to optimize the management and use of the electric charge stored in the battery, electric cars use, on a ratio basis, much less energy than traditional cars to travel the same distance: about three times less! This, combined with the lower cost of electricity compared to gasoline or diesel, helps to further reduce the operating costs of electric cars.


Maintenance and service is another factor to consider when talking about the Total Cost of Ownership of electric cars. These, in fact, have significantly lower maintenance costs and generally require less maintenance than conventional vehicles because they have fewer wear and tear components, such as the internal combustion engine, oil change, air filters or spark plugs. In addition, regenerative braking contributes to less wear and tear on discs and pads, further reducing maintenance costs over the life of the vehicle.

Then there is the myth that the battery may need to be replaced during the vehicle’s useful life.In fact, the battery is guaranteed by most manufacturers for at least 8 years and still retains, at the end of the vehicle’s useful life, an important energy storage capacity, so much so that there is the possibility of giving the battery a “second life” by taking it out of the vehicle and adapting it for uses such as residential or industrial, for further years of operation. At the end of this further period it is then finally possible to recycle the materials that compose it, which are useful for producing new batteries, closing the circle of a virtuous circular economy.


Insurance costs are another aspect to consider, as they are lower for electric cars than for conventional cars.

This is because, being fundamentally less complex than traditional cars and having fewer mechanical components, electric cars are less prone to wear and tear, deterioration, technical failures and, consequently, accidents.


Finally, depreciation must also be taken into account: although the market for used electric cars is still evolving, there has been an emerging trend lately toward better value retention than traditional cars. This is influenced by the evolution of battery technology and the growing demand for electric vehicles.


In conclusion, it is important to note that the Total Cost of Ownership of electric cars can vary depending on a number of factors, such as energy costs (whether it is mainly recharged at home or at the workplace or thanks to public charging stations), annual mileage driven, purchase incentives, and conditions of use, but, making a comparison over the long term with a conventional car with comparable characteristics, an electric car results in significant savings for many use cases overall.

Comfort and efficiency: Essential tips for charging your electric car in winter

Winter, due to low temperatures and recurring bad weather, it’s the most critical season when travelling by car for daily commutes or long trips. For all electric car owners, it is critical to prepare as well as possible to face the cold season while maximizing efficiency and comfort when both driving and charging.

For a safe and enjoyable travel experience, it is important to follow the essential tips listed in this article.



Warm up the car before use


A common concern for everyone who drives electric cars during the winter is the time it takes to warm up the passenger compartment. One solution to warm up the car quickly, while saving energy at the same time, could be to park it in a garage or cover it with a thermal tarp; these solutions, in addition to increasing comfort for passengers and the driver, could help preserve the energy stored in the battery for longer.



Maximizing battery performance


Battery health is crucial to the optimal operation of an electric car. During the winter, it is important to avoid letting the battery’s charge drop below 20 percent to preserve its long-term health. In fact, performing many charge-discharge cycles can cause premature battery degradation, reducing the overall range of the vehicle; keeping the battery in an optimal state not only ensures better performance, but also contributes to greater reliability during the colder months.



Managing charging times in winter


Low temperatures can affect electric car charging times; however, there are some tricks that can help optimize this process. Preheating the car before plugging it into the connector can reduce the overall charging time, as a pre-heated battery accepts a charge faster. In addition, many electric vehicles are equipped with heat management systems that automatically adjust battery temperature to ensure optimal efficiency even in extreme weather conditions. These systems protect the battery and help maintain high performance even during winter.



Plan your itinerary carefully


To avoid surprises and reach your destination without worries, it is essential to plan your itinerary carefully, scheduling the stops you need to make to recharge your electric car. For optimal trip planning, it is advisable to use the app of your MSP of choice, or navigation services or apps, identifying available charging stations along the route and scheduling any stops. To avoid surprises, it is important to take into account adverse weather conditions or otherwise unforeseen events that can always occur during long trips, regardless of the type of car you drive.



In conclusion, although winter itself can be a critical season when traveling, just consider some simple cautions and tips such as those listed in this article. In fact, with proper preparation and by carefully planning your travels, you can deal with low temperatures while minimizing risks and instead maximizing the comfort and efficiency of your electric car even in the coldest months.