Ewiva’s high-power charging for electric vehicles arrives in Crosia (CS)

The high-power charging station inaugurated today is the third in the province of Cosenza: Ewiva, together with the Municipality, is promoting increasingly accessible and widespread electric mobility.


Ewiva’s high-power charging network continues to grow: the joint venture of Enel X Way and Volkswagen Group, created to support the development of electric mobility in Italy, and the Municipality of Crosia (CS) today inaugurated the High Power Charging (HPC) station in Via Giorgio Almirante (hamlet of Mirto Crosia), within a residential area and near various businesses and services, including bars, supermarkets, restaurants and the post office. It is, moreover, a strategic location because it is easily accessible by all tourists heading to the region’s beautiful Ionian coasts or to the picturesque landscapes of the hinterland.


The first high-power station activated in Crosia consists of 3 Recharging Infrastructures (IdR) or “columns” of 300kW each, for a total of 6 charging points (PoC), and represents the shared will of Ewiva and the Municipality to move in the direction of an increasingly green mobility with reduced environmental impact.


The activation of the new Crosia site enriches with a new piece Ewiva’s high-power charging network, created with the aim of offering to all e-drivers an accessible and carefree electric travel experience: in Calabria there are now 7 active Ewiva high-power charging stations for a total of 30 charging points, which add up to the additional 491 charging points built by Enel X in the region, 223 of which are in the province of Cosenza alone.


“Thanks to the activation of the Crosia station, made possible through synergy with the municipality, Ewiva’s network in Calabria grows further,” said Federico Caleno, CEO of Ewiva. “We are pleased to meet local realities ready for change and attentive to environmental protection. Our goal is to make Ewiva’s high-power charging network more and more capillary and widespread, trying to meet the mobility needs of all e-drivers traveling in Italy.”


“The ecological transition and, by extension, also the energy transition impose a new vision of things and, therefore, of Public Administration. In these ten years we have been faced with extraordinary, epochal and, in some ways, unprecedented challenges aimed precisely at creating a process of awareness aimed at protecting the ecosystem. Smart cities seemed a distant horizon that today is not only almost reached and surpassed but also imposes on us another challenge, that of green cities. Green, zero-impact cities with a deep ethic devoted to the exclusive enhancement of the environment. Crosia is a young community that, in this, must be able to set an example and play a leading role in the area, starting precisely from small gestures. Through the fruitful synergy with Ewiva from today we guarantee one more opportunity to those who own an electric car but, above all, we incentivize the e-mobility market by offering a smart but, above all, fast charging service that will help to break down one of the most important prejudices that restrain the development of the “full electric” car (BEV) market, the one related to the charging time,” commented Antonio Russo, Mayor of Crosia.