13 December 2022
Happy to change

7 good reasons for choosing electric mobility

There are plenty of good reasons to embrace change and choose electric mobility: we showcase seven reasons together with Luigi Antonio Poggi, Head of Marketing & Sales, Strategy, Communications of Ewiva.


Before adopting change, be it in lifestyle, habits, or mindset, doubts and fears are always factors to consider, so that’s why some good reasons make for a compelling motivation to act on this willingness!
During Ewiva’s launch event, hosted in Rome on December 13, 2022, Luigi Antonio Poggi, Head of Marketing & Sales, Strategy, Communications, listed not one but a whopping seven good reasons to feel “happy to change”, and ready to switch to electric mobility. Seven good reasons that see Ewiva at the forefront in creating one of Italy’s largest ultra-fast charging networks, open to all EVs, boasting a flexible infrastructure, widespread throughout the territory.


What are the 7 reasons for being happy about choosing to drive electric?

The good reasons for being happy about changing the way we move mostly concern the planet: electrifying mobility equals a substantial reduction in climate-changing emissions (-70% on the complete “well-to-wheel” life cycle, meaning from the energy generation to the vehicle use, compared to CO2 emissions generated by an endothermic engine, considering Europe’s currently installed energy production mix – source: IPCC) and above all, offsetting local emissions typically linked to combustion – harmful for people, animal life, and the environment – while also curbing noise pollution.
Electric mobility means using renewables in the most efficient way, thus guaranteeing one further tool to enable a stronger penetration in the national energy mix, and above all, electric mobility means a treasure trove of opportunities for Italy’s industrial sector. This translates to comfort, safety, stability, and driving pleasure, but also in economic convenience, if we think beyond the mere purchasing price, but also to running costs (purchasing price + running costs), and much more.
Check out the video of the recording of Luigi Antonio Poggi’s speech to discover all the 7 good reasons to feel happy to change.