Logo Ewiva

Electric vehicle charging station in Peschiera del Garda


Ewiva is also present in Peschiera del Garda with its charging stations.

Ewiva is the largest ultra-fast charging network for electric vehicles in Italy. Open to everyone. We recharge your desire to travel anywhere and with zero emissions.

Technical details

1 charging station
Icona presa Type CCS2
1 plugs CCS type 2
Icona valore di potenza100kW

In the surrounding area

  • Restaurant

    on site

  • hotel

    on site

  • Touristic Site

    all year

Opening time

Monday 00:00 - 24:00
Tuesday 00:00 - 24:00
Wednesday 00:00 - 24:00
Thursday 00:00 - 24:00
Friday 00:00 - 24:00
Saturday 00:00 - 24:00
Sunday 00:00 - 24:00

Recharge here with a credit/debit card

Discover more


Località Sermana, 2, 37019 Peschiera del Garda VR, Italia


Discover the electric vehicle charging station in Peschiera del Garda

Reviews about our service

This station has an average of 5 stars out of a total of 3 reviews.
Filippo Bottacini

Filippo Bottacini

13 August 2024

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Ottima postazione, all'ingresso della Cantina Corte Sermana, dove puoi vivere l'esperienza sul territorio del vino Lugana e fare acquisti al wine shop!

Markus Wessel

Markus Wessel

29 July 2024

Leggi su Google

Ladestation mit 100kw. Leider nur eine. Hat alles prima geklappt. Mit Maingau Karte problemlos gestartet und Ladepower war wie angegeben. Sehr empfehlenswert ist der Besuch beim Weingut "Corte Sermana" direkt ggü. - hervorragende Lugana Weißweine, Grappa und auch Sekt bzw. Cremant/Methode Champagnoise. Biologischer Anbau. Sehr nette (vermutlich) Inhaberin, die eine kurze Info über das Weingut gibt und Weine probieren lässt. Einfach um das Gebäude herum und klingeln.

Gerardo Vista

Gerardo Vista

6 January 2024

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Stazione di ricarica spettacolare, l'ho usata con l'abbonamento Enel x senza problemi