29 November 2024

How much does Black Friday weigh on the environment?

Black Friday, an annual holiday known for its extraordinary deals and subsequent shopping boom, moves millions of tons of goods around the world each year. According to Eurostat data, more than 70 percent of goods travel by road in Europe. However, a 2021 ACEA (The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) report notes that only 0.3 percent of fleets are electric. These numbers make freight transport one of the continent’s most impactful sectors in terms of emissions, especially during the week of Black Friday, when product movement peaks.


Black Friday: the environmental impact of freight transport

According to data from “Transport & Environment,” more than 1.2 million tons of CO2 were emitted in Europe during the week of Black Friday 2023, marking a 94 percent increase compared to a normal week. This significant impact highlights the need for more sustainable solutions in the freight transport sector.


In Italy, according to a Motus-E report, 88 percent of freight travels by road, contributing 27 percent to the country’s total emissions. Importantly, although freight accounts for only 2 percent of all vehicles on the road, it produces nearly a quarter of total road transport emissions.


Black Friday: solutions for a green future

One of the most significant responses in recent years to reduce emissions has come from the European Union with the “REPowerEU” program: a plan of investments and regulations aimed at making the EU more energy independent and sustainable by promoting the adoption of electric mobility for citizens and businesses.


Among the items in the program are funds to support companies that decide to electrify their corporate fleets. Environmental goals are spread over along-term plan staggered in three stages: to reduce emissions by 65 percent by 2035, 90 percent by 2040, and 98 percent by 2050, with concurrent electrification of at least two-thirds of the fleet dedicated to commercial transportation.


In addition to the environmental benefits, the program also foresees major spillovers for the EU economy, with €31.4 billion invested in the development of green transport infrastructure and the creation of more than 540,000 new jobs.


The future of Black Friday can therefore also be greener, thanks to a firm and gradual commitment to sustainability and technological innovation in the freight transport sector.