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We categorize four charging modes. All of Ewiva’s charging stations will allow you to charge as described in mode 4 from 100 kW to 350 kW in direct current (DC).
MODE 1. Home charging or on privately-owned premises, typically at 4 kW, through an industrial-rared Cee or Schuko plug connecting to the EV through its charging cable. It’s the charging mode of choice for light vehicles, mopeds, and bikes.
MODE 2. Home charging or on privately-owned premises for EVs must be performed with added security and the use of a so-called box, a wall-mounted device with monitoring and control features, and a Type 2 cable.
MODE 3. It’s the mode of choice to charge in alternate current (AC) at public charging stations within the 3 kW to 22 kW AC range. Each charging station is integrated with safety and control features that actively engage with the EV during the charging process. These offer mostly Type 2 sockets (the standard in EVs) and sometimes Type 3A sockets which are still used by some light vehicles.
MODE 4. It’s used for fast and ultra fast charging in direct current (DC) at public charging stations in the power range topping at 350 kW. Such facilities feature an integrated AC/DC converter, embedded power cables with CCS or Combo (european standard) sockets as well as ChaDemo (japanese standard). They boast safety and controll systems, devised to link up to the EV to streamline the charging session and preserve the battery.