Logo Ewiva

Electric vehicle charging station in Moncalieri


Ewiva is also present in Moncalieri with its charging stations.

Ewiva is the largest ultra-fast charging network for electric vehicles in Italy. Open to everyone. We recharge your desire to travel anywhere and with zero emissions.

Technical details

4 parallel charges
Icona presa Type CCS2
4 plugs CCS type 2
Icona valore di potenza300kW

In the surrounding area

  • Fast Food


  • Restaurant

    on site

  • Sports & Recreation

    on site

Opening time

Monday 00:00 - 24:00
Tuesday 00:00 - 24:00
Wednesday 00:00 - 24:00
Thursday 00:00 - 24:00
Friday 00:00 - 24:00
Saturday 00:00 - 24:00
Sunday 00:00 - 24:00

Recharge here with a credit/debit card

Discover more


Str. Palera, 96, 10024 La Loggia TO, Italia

Reviews about our service

This station has an average of 4 stars out of a total of 3 reviews.
Alberto Scagliola

Alberto Scagliola

5 August 2024

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Stazione di ricarica da 4x300 kW. Fantastica Vicino a pizzeria e burger king.

Luca Gilardi

Luca Gilardi

8 February 2024

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Ricarica a 51kW invece che 300kW come da dati di targa. Per il resto funziona, ma è in una posizione sperduta nel nulla. Due colonnine con due prese CCS, no tipo 2.

Alessandro Guicciardi

Alessandro Guicciardi

28 September 2023

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